Amir H. Shabani received his PhD degree in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition at the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada in 2011. He received both his M.Sc. and his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Eng. from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2003 and 2000, respectively. Amir has peer-reviewed publications on human action recognition, video event detection, biologically-inspired video filtering, 3D object reconstruction, human tracking, and texture classification.
From Jan. 2010, Amir is collaborating with the Action Lab at Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Wilfrid Laurier University, ON. Prior to his PhD, Amir worked for five years (May 2001- Aug. 2006) on hardware and software design for advanced control processes and robot vision for factory automation. He worked in a job sharing projects with several German, French, Italian, and Korean companies. Amir took several training courses and holds certificates in the field of computer vision and control processes from world-class companies such as Siemens, FrigoFrance, Nagel, ISRA, and Pepperl+Fuchs.
From Aug. 2012 until present, Amir is an Adj. Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo, continuing his academic endeavor with the focus on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. He is actively collaborating with other faculties and local industries.
Multiresolution Techniques
Stochastic Models
Video Analysis