University of Waterloo


  • Biomedical Imaging

    Biomedical imaging

    The current plethora of imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MR), computed tomography (CT), position emission tomography (PET), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and ultrasound provide great insight into the different anatomical and functional processes of the human body.

  • BIOSCAN Insect Biodiversity Assessment

    BIOSCAN’s global biodiversity assessment aims to comprehensively catalog living organisms worldwide, encompassing the intricate tapestry of insect biodiversity. As a fundamental component of global ecosystems, insects contribute significantly to pollination, nutrient cycling, and overall ecosystem stability, embodying a remarkable diversity of species. In pursuit of this goal, a meticulously curated collection exceeding one million hand-labelled…

  • Computer Vision

    Computer Vision

    Computer vision is the science and technology of teaching a computer to interpret images and video as well as a typical human. Technically, computer vision encompasses the fields of image/video processing, pattern recognition, biological vision, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, mathematical modeling, statistics, probability, optimization, 2D sensors, and photography.

  • Discovery Radiomics

    Discovery Radiomics

    Radiomics, which involves the high-throughput extraction and analysis of a large amount of quantitative features from medical imaging data to characterize tumor phenotype in a quantitative manner, is ushering in a new era of imaging-driven quantitative personalized cancer decision support and management.

  • Evolutionary Deep Intelligence

    Evolutionary Deep Intelligence

    Deep learning has shown considerable promise in recent years, producing tremendous results and significantly improving the accuracy of a variety of challenging problems when compared to other machine learning methods.

  • Image Segmentation/Classification

    Image Segmentation

    Extracting information from a digital image often depends on first identifying desired objects or breaking down the image into homogenous regions (a process called ‘segmentation’) and then assigning these objects to particular classes (a process called ‘classification’). This is a fundamental part of computer vision, combining image processing and pattern recognition techniques.

  • Multiresolution Techniques

    Multiresolution Techniques

    The VIP lab has a particularly extensive history with multiresolution methods, and a significant number of research students have explored this theme. Multiresolution methods are very broad, essentially meaning than an image or video is modeled, represented, or features extracted on more than one scale, somehow allowing both local and non-local phenomena.

  • Remote Sensing

    Remote Sensing

    Remote sensing, or the science of capturing data of the earth from airplanes or satellites, enables regular monitoring of land, ocean, and atmosphere expanses, representing data that cannot be captured using any other means. A vast amount of information is generated by remote sensing platforms and there is an obvious need to analyze the data…

  • Scientific Imaging

    Scientific Imaging

    Scientific Imaging refers to working on two- or three-dimensional imagery taken for a scientific purpose, in most cases acquired either through a microscope or remotely-sensed images taken at a distance.

  • Sports Analytics

    Sports Analytics

    Sports Analytics is a growing field in computer vision that analyzes visual cues from images to provide statistical data on players, teams, and games. Want to know how a player’s technique improves the quality of the team? Can a team, based on their defensive position, increase their chances to the finals? These are a few…

  • Stochastic Models

    Stochastic Models

    In many image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition applications, there is often a large degree of uncertainty associated with factors such as the appearance of the underlying scene within the acquired data, the location and trajectory of the object of interest, the physical appearance (e.g., size, shape, color, etc.) of the objects being detected,…

  • Video Analysis

    Video Analysis

    Video analysis is a field within computer vision that involves the automatic interpretation of digital video using computer algorithms. Although humans are readily able to interpret digital video, developing algorithms for the computer to perform the same task has been highly evasive and is now an active research field.