Amy Tai is a PhD student in the Vision and Image Processing Lab at the University of Waterloo. She is in the Computer Science program and supervised by Alexander Wong and Lukasz Golab. Her research focuses on the cancer domain with focus on medical imaging and computer vision. Previously, she completed her Master of Applied Sciences in the Systems Design Engineering program and her Bachelor of Applied Science in Management Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Outside of research, she enjoys playing squash, travelling, hiking, and swimming.
Alexander WongResearch interests
Amy’s research areas include medical image analysis, personalized nutrition intervention for the aging population, and improved rendering of 3D models. As a lead on the Cancer-Net initiatives, she is focused on providing open-sourced datasets and pre-trained models for the task of cancer diagnosis and prognosis, and nutritional intake estimation, respectively. In general, Amy is interested in medical research that leverages technological advancements to improve healthcare for all.Research topics
Biomedical ImagingComputer Vision
Image Segmentation/Classification
Research demos
Correlated Diffusion ImagingSkin Cancer Detection