Hayden Gunraj is a master’s student in Systems Design Engineering, supervised by Prof. Alexander Wong and associated with the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Lab. His research focuses on deep learning for medical image analysis, particularly computer-assisted diagnosis and assessment of COVID-19, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Currently, Hayden is a collaborator on the Cancer-Net initiative, which aims to provide datasets and pre-trained models for diagnosis and prognosis of prostate and breast cancers.
Email: hayden.gunraj@uwaterloo.ca
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Alexander WongResearch interests
Hayden’s research focuses on medical image analysis, computational imaging, and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). In particular, his work as part of the COVID-Net initiative focuses on explainable COVID-19 diagnosis and severity prediction using CT images, as well as weakly-supervised COVID-19 infection segmentation. As part of the Cancer-Net initiative, he focuses on the development and application of synthetic correlated diffusion imaging (CDIs) for cancer detection and clinical decision support.Research topics
Biomedical ImagingComputer Vision
Image Segmentation/Classification
Research demos
Correlated Diffusion Imaging