I received my BASc in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo in 2011. Through my co-op terms, I gained experience in medical imaging by working for Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. As part of my 3rd year design project, I developed a signature recognition system for point-of-sale authentication. For my 4th year design project, I worked on a novel video compression algorithm.
Email: jeffrey.glaister@uwaterloo.ca
Research interests
My research interests are in the fields of pattern recognition and image processing, applied to biomedical imaging. I am interested in developing image processing algorithms to automate the analysis of medical images, such as those captured using MRI, X-ray or other modalities. Other work is in the area of novel video compression algorithms.Research topics
Biomedical ImagingResearch demos
Bias Field Correction in Endorectal Diffusion ImagingCorrelated Diffusion Imaging
Skin Cancer Detection