I am a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Design Engineering, working on AI, machine learning, Earth Observation and Environmental Remote Sensing projects.
In my key research areas, I have demonstrated excellence, leadership and recognition. I, as principal investigator, have successfully secured many competitive grants, including NSERC Discovery Grant. I have published one book chapter, 66 journal papers on high-rank remote sensing journals and 41 conference articles on high-impact conferences.
I have been involved in many invited talks and presentations to different audiences, and I frequently receive reviewer invitations from high-impact remote sensing journals and conferences. I serve as the Associate Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science (Section: Big Data, AI and the Environment).
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/linlinxu.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/linlinxu
Email: l44xu@uwaterloo.ca
Supervision – Current
Supervision – Completed
Image Segmentation/Classification
Remote Sensing
Stochastic Models
Disparate Scene Registration
Grid Seams: A fast superpixel algorithm for real-time applications
MAGIC System
SAR Sea Ice Image Synthesis
Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification
Texture Classification
Conference Papers