The MAP-Guided Ice Classification (MAGIC) system is designed specifically to read and interpret synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sea ice images using associated ice maps as provided by the Canadian Ice Service (CIS). An ice chart is manually created at the CIS based on the corresponding SAR image and other ancillary data to provide ice concentrations, types, and floe sizes within enclosed ‘‘polygon’’ regions. MAGIC uses such information as input and then generates a sensor resolution (pixel-based) ice map for each polygon, a product not feasibly produced manually. The primary feature of the current MAGIC version 3.1 is its segmentation module, which is evaluated successfully on a number of images. MAGIC is designed to be used not only as a specific tool for sea ice interpretation but also as a general platform for interpreting generic digital imagery using implemented fundamental and advanced algorithms.
A screenshot of the MAGIC system:
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Related research areas
Image Segmentation/Classification
Related publications
Leigh S., Wang Z., and Clausi D.A, "Automated ice-water classification using dual polarization SAR satellite imagery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 52, pp. 5529-5539, 2014. Get it here. Yu P., Qin A.K., and Clausi D.A, "Unsupervised polarimetric SAR image segmentation and classification using region growing with edge penalty", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 50, pp. 1302-1317, 2012. Get it here. Qin A.K., and Clausi D.A, "Multivariate image segmentation using semantic region growing with adaptive edge penalty", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 19, pp. 2157-2170, 2010. Get it here. Yu Q., and Clausi D.A, "IRGS: Image segmentation using edge penalties and region growing", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 30, pp. 2126-2139, 2008. Get it here. Yu Q., and Clausi D.A, "SAR sea-ice image analysis based on iterative region growing using semantics", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 45, pp. 3919-3931, 2007. Get it here.
Conference PapersClausi D.A., Qin A.K., Chowdhury M.S., Yu P., and Maillard P, "Magic: Map-guided ice classification system for operational analysis", 2008 IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing, PRRS 2008, 2008. Get it here.