University of Waterloo

Namrata Bandekar

M.A.Sc. 2012

Namrata Bandekar

I am a Master’s student in the Department of Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo. I am currently working on ‘SAR sea ice image ice and open water classification’ under the supervision of Prof. David Clausi.

I have received my previous Master’s and Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay). I was enrolled in the 5 year integrated Dual Degree course with specialisation in Communication and Signal Processing. During my Master’s at IIT Bombay I worked on video compression and developed aperceptually lossless model for video coding using foveation and just noticeable distortion.

David Clausi
Research interests
My current research interest lies in the areas of image processing and computer vision.