University of Waterloo

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for Ophthalmic Applications

Prof. Kostadinka Bizheva, Faculty of Science

Oct 21, 2022, 11:30am EC4-2101A

Potentially blinding ocular diseases cause progressive damage to the cellular structure of the retina, cornea and limbus, loss of normal retinal function (response of retinal neurons to visual stimuli), as well as temporary or permanent changes in the ocular blood flow. At the early stages of disease development, when treatment is most effective, these structural and functional changes occur at cellular level.

This presentation will review state-of-the-art Spectral Domain OCT technology that combines high axial OCT resolution (~1 µm) and high image acquisition rates (up to 400 kHz for point scanning SD-OCT and up to 2,500 fps for line scanning OCT). Ophthalmic applications of the novel OCT technology will be discussed. Opportunities for development of novel image processing and analysis algorithms for the OCT images and data will be discussed.