University of Waterloo

Sustainable Aeronautics

Prof. Suzanne Kearns, Geography and Aviation, Founding Director – Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Aeronautics

Jan 20, 2023, 11:30am EC4-2101A

Globally, the air transport sector is facing three simultaneous crises.  Rising environmental emissions, rapid technological evolution, and shortages of crew.  These challenges threaten the long-term viability of operations, and align with environmental, economic, and social sustainability.

To support industry and government stakeholders, from a research and educational perspective, in 2021 the University of Waterloo launched the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Aeronautics (WISA).  WISA is a research institute with a mission to become a world-leading hub for sustainable aeronautical research, technology, and education.

Since launch, WISA has grown to welcome more than 90 faculty members, launched the Collaborative Aeronautics Program (a graduate program), hosted major industry events, and secured +$10M in funding.  This presentation will highlight the mission and research scope of WISA and welcome students to discuss their research interests and connections to aeronautical sustainability.