Ying Liu received her Ph.D. degree in the field of signal and image processing at the University of Waterloo in the department of Systems Design Engineering in 2011. She received her B.E. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and her M.Sc. from Chinese Academy of Science.
Her research is primarily in image and video processing, statistical modeling and machine learning. She has published and reviewed several papers for key journals and conferences in the related areas of image processing, image analysis and pattern recognition.
Before her PhD, Ying worked for four years on the research and development of signal processing for underwater systems. In 2010, she collaborated with the compression research group in Research In Motion Ltd. on video processing research for the coming standard HEVC. Recently, she is collaborating with Center of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, University of Waterloo and working on data analysis and machine learning.
Email: 30liu@engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Multiresolution Techniques
Remote Sensing
Scientific Imaging
Stochastic Models
Video Analysis
SAR Sea Ice Image Synthesis