Associate Professor, Dr Zohreh Azimifar received her B.Sc. degree in computer science and engineering from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, in 1994 and her Ph.D. degree in systems design engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, in 2005. In 2005, she was a postdoctoral fellow in medical biophysics at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Since 2006 she has been a faculty member and director of computer vision and pattern recognition lab in computer science and engineering at Shiraz University. Having successfuly designed and impelimented several industrial intelligent vision systems, Dr Azimifar was supported by Shiraz University to establish research center for Intelligent Vision and Image Processing ( in 2014. During past decade, she has published two books in statistical pattern recogntion and about 100 international journal and conference papers in computer vision and image processing.
At present, Professor Azimifar is director of Public Relations and International affairs of Shiraz University.
Computer Vision
Image Segmentation/Classification
Multiresolution Techniques
Scientific Imaging
Stochastic Models
Video Analysis
Nazemi A., Azimifar Z., Shafiee M.J., and Wong A, "Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Learning", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 21, pp. 3080-3090, 2020. Get it here. Soltani-Sarvestani M.A., Azimifar Z., Wong A., and Safavi A.A, "An Innovative Eigenvector-Based Method for Traffic Light Scheduling", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 127, 2020. Get it here. Shafiee M.J., Azimifar Z., Wong A., and Wang Y, "A deep-structured conditional random field model for object silhouette tracking", PLoS ONE, vol. 10, 2015. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Amiri M., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Empirical study of wavelet domain image joint statistics and proposition of an efficient correlation map", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 43, pp. 24-38, 2015. Get it here. Wong A., Shafiee M.J., and Azimifar Z, "Statistical Conditional Sampling for Variable-Resolution Video Compression", PLoS ONE, vol. 7, 2012. Get it here.
Conference PapersPost M., Fieguth P., Naiel M.A., Azimifar Z., and Lamm M, "FRESCO: Fast radiometric egocentric screen compensation", IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2019. Get it here. Nazemi A., Shafiee M.J., and Azimifar Z, "On road vehicle make and model recognition via sparse feature coding", Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing, MVIP, 2015. Get it here. Shafiee M.J., Azimifar Z., Wong A., and Fieguth P, "A novel hierarchical model-based frame rate up-conversion via spatio-temporal conditional random fields", Proceedings - 2011 IEEE InternationalSymposium on Multimedia, ISM 2011, 2015. Get it here. Moayedi F., Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Kazemi A, "Adaptive multi-resolution CRF-based contour tracking", Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2015. Get it here. Shafiee M.J., Azimifar Z., and Fieguth P, "Temporal conditional random fields: A conditional state space predictor for visual tracking", 2010 6th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing, MVIP 2010, 2015. Get it here. Shafiee M.J., Azimifar Z., and Fieguth P, "Model-based tracking: Temporal conditional random fields", Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2015. Get it here. Ahmadi E., Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Ayatollahi Sh, "Image synthesis using conditional random fields", Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2015. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Correlated wavelet shrinkage: Models of local random fields across multiple resolutions", Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2015. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Textures and wavelet-domain joint statistics", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2004. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Hierarchical Markov models for wavelet-domain statistics", IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing Proceedings, 2003. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Hierarchical multiscale modeling of wavelet-based correlations", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2002. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Towards random field modeling of wavelet statistics", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2002. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Modeling the correlation structure of images in the wavelet domain", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2001. Get it here. Azimifar Z., Fieguth P., and Jernigan E, "Wavelet shrinkage with correlated wavelet coefficients", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2001. Get it here.