Zahra Gharaee
As a seasoned senior research scientist, I bring expertise in computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to the forefront of my work. My research endeavours centre around pioneering subjects, including advanced image processing and video analysis, representation learning, action recognition, autonomous systems and graph convolutional neural networks. GoogleScholar Linkedin Orcid Github
Mehrnaz Fani
My research interests are mainly in AI and machine learning, particularly deep learning and computer vision. I am especially interested in working with video and image data and designing novel solutions to address the real-world problems.
Amir Nazemi
The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real. Lucian Freud Amir has years of experience in machine learning, computer vision and has been a part of multiple interdisciplinary teams, including a research lab in Korea, a joint research project with Microsoft, and a collaboration with the…
Mohamed Naiel
I’m a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Systems Design Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, and Vision and Image Processing Lab, Waterloo, Canada. I did part of my research in human action recognition in videos, object detection and multi-object tracking. My research interests include signal, image and video processing, computer vision, machine learning and pattern recognition.
Linlin Xu
I am a post-doc in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working with professors David Clausi, Alexander Wong on machine learning, intelligent remote sensing analytics and environmental monitoring.
Yuan Fang
Yuan Fang is currently a postdoctoral fellow at VIP lab of the Department of systems design engineering. Her research interests include remote sensing image processing, hyperspectral imaging, machine learning and environmental monitoring. She received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in geomatics engineering from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, in 2016 and 2018, respectively. She received her Ph.D. degree…
Xinwei Chen
I am a Postdoc in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working on computer vision, machine learning, ocean observation and remote sensing projects.
Yuhao Chen
My research interest lies in the development of computer vision and artificial intelligence solutions specifically designed for industrial applications. By concentrating on precision agriculture, precision health, and precision manufacturing,
Shelley Wang
My research interests include stochastic graphical learning and modeling for large-scale networks and data mining and visualization, affective computing, image processing, computer vision, signal processing, femtocell networking, network control theory, wideband spectrum sensing, and dynamic spectrum access. My current focus is on efficient high-resolution, remote spatial biosignals measurements using video imaging for affective computing.
Hicham Sekkati
My primary research interests lie in visual scene understanding. I am mainly concerned with solving problems arising in visual perception and action recognition, which are key components in many vision applications such as surveillance, robot guidance, multi-modal image interpretation, remote sensing, and visual field monitoring. I focus also my attention on the processing of optical/sonar…