University of Waterloo

Category: Research Demos

  • Stereo Vision for Dimension Estimation

    Stereo Vision for Dimension Estimation

    We designed a system for inferring package volumetric dimensions in collaboration with a Canadian transportation company, Rogue Specialty Transport. When a client hires a transportation company to ship their goods, the main component used to calculate cost of delivery is the volume of the package. Currently, the standard is to hire personnel to traverse the…

  • Statistical Textural Distinctiveness for Salient Region Detection in Natural Images

    Statistical Textural Distinctiveness for Salient Region Detection in Natural Images

    A novel statistical textural distinctiveness approach for robustly detecting salient regions in natural images is proposed. Rotational-invariant neighborhood-based textural representations are extracted and used to learn a set of representative texture atoms for defining a sparse texture model for the image. Based on the learnt sparse texture model, a weighted graphical model is constructed to…

  • Skin Cancer Detection

    Skin Cancer Detection

    Melanoma is considered the most deadly form of skin cancer and is caused by the development of a malignant tumour of the melanocytes. The objective of the skin cancer detection project is to develop a framework to analyze and assess the risk of melanoma using dermatological photographs taken with a standard consumer-grade digital camera. Our…

  • Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification

    Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification

    To facilitate the classification of SAR Sea Ice images, the VIP lab has created a program called MAGIC which allows algorithms to be tested and the results compared easily.

  • SAR Sea Ice Image Synthesis

    SAR Sea Ice Image Synthesis

    The systematic evaluation of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data analysis tools, such as segmentation and classification algorithms for geographic information systems, is difficult given the unavailability of ground-truth data in most cases. Therefore, testing is typically limited to small sets of pseudo ground-truth data collected manually by trained experts, or primitive synthetic sets composed of…

  • Porous Media

    Porous Media

    Porous media include a variety of materials, such as bone, cartilage, concrete, soil, and wood. All such materials allow the flow of water, or other liquids, and the understanding and modeling of this flow can be essential in areas of human health, construction, and groundwater studies. The image processing challenge in porous media is the…

  • Multiplexed Optical High-coherence Interferometry

    Multiplexed Optical High-coherence Interferometry

    Depth Profilometry involves the measurement of the depth profile of objects, and has significant potential for various industrial applications that benefit from non-destructive sub-surface profiling such as defect detection, corrosion assessment, and dental assessment to name a few. We have devised and introduced a new sensing modality for depth profilometry using an Multiplexed Optical High-coherence…

  • MAGIC System

    MAGIC System

    The MAp-Guided Ice Classification (MAGIC) system is designed specifically to read and interpret synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sea ice images using associated ice maps as provided by the Canadian Ice Service (CIS). An ice chart is manually created at the CIS based on the corresponding SAR image and other ancillary data to provide ice concentrations,…

  • Image Denoising

    Image Denoising

    One of the fundamental challenges in the field of image processing and computer vision is image denoising, where the underlying goal is to estimate the original image by suppressing noise from a noise-contaminated version of the image. Image noise may be caused by different intrinsic (i.e., sensor) and extrinsic (i.e., environment) conditions which are often…

  • Hybrid Structural and Texture Distinctiveness Vector Field Convolution for Region Segmentation

    Hybrid Structural and Texture Distinctiveness Vector Field Convolution for Region Segmentation

    The segmentation of objects has been an area of interest in numerous fields. The use of texture has been explored to improve convergence in the presence of cluttered backgrounds or objects with distinct textures, where intensity variations are insufficient. Additionally, saliency and feature maps have been applied for contour initialization. However, taking advantage of texture…