University of Waterloo

Category: Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification

  • Qiyao Yu

    Qiyao Yu

    My research interests include image segmentation, remote sensing, and video analysis. I am currently working on fast and efficient algorithms on action recognition for video surveillance. I am also interested in simultaneous localization and mapping.

  • Shuhrat Ochilov

  • Philippe Maillard

    Philippe Maillard

    My key research interests focus on remote sensing of vegetation in the tropics, digital mapping, image classification, image-based statistical models, and digital image processing for optical and radar imagery.

  • Xuezhi (Bruce) Yang

    Xuezhi (Bruce) Yang

    My research interests are primarily in the fields of image processing and pattern recognition, specifically on the topics of image denoising, image segmentation and discriminative feature extraction. I am also interested in automated interpretation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery and automated visual inspection system.

  • Kai (Alex) Qin

    Kai (Alex) Qin

    My research interests include pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision, machine learning, evolutionary computation, remote sensing data analysis, biometrics and bioinformatics.

  • Zhijie Wang

    Zhijie Wang

    My current research focuses on Image Processing and Computer Vision, or more specifically, automated image and video analysis through detection, tracking and segmentation methods.

  • Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification

    Satellite SAR Sea Ice Classification

    To facilitate the classification of SAR Sea Ice images, the VIP lab has created a program called MAGIC which allows algorithms to be tested and the results compared easily.

  • David Clausi

    David Clausi

    My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on the automated interpretation of SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and biomedical imagery. I am an active interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researcher, publishing refereed journal and conference papers in the diverse fields of remote sensing, computer vision, algorithm design,…