University of Waterloo

Category: Skin Cancer Detection

  • Daniel S. Cho

    Daniel S. Cho

    My research interests are in image processing, medical image registration and reconstruction and I am currently working on computer-aided melanoma (one type of skin cancer) diagnosis through the modeling of physiological characteristics of skin lesions using multi-spectral imagery.

  • Skin Cancer Detection

    Skin Cancer Detection

    Melanoma is considered the most deadly form of skin cancer and is caused by the development of a malignant tumour of the melanocytes. The objective of the skin cancer detection project is to develop a framework to analyze and assess the risk of melanoma using dermatological photographs taken with a standard consumer-grade digital camera. Our…

  • Alexander Wong

    Alexander Wong

    My research interests lie in the field of artificial intelligence and computational imaging, with a focus on scalable and explainable deep learning and computational biomedical imaging systems.

  • Paul Fieguth

    Paul Fieguth

    My research interests are in the area of accelerated computational methods applied to large statistical problems in image processing, computer vision, and remote sensing.

  • David Clausi

    David Clausi

    My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on the automated interpretation of SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and biomedical imagery. I am an active interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researcher, publishing refereed journal and conference papers in the diverse fields of remote sensing, computer vision, algorithm design,…