University of Waterloo

Category: Andrea Scott

  • Lily de Loë

    Lily de Loë

    Lily is a master’s student in Systems Design Engineering, supervised by Dr. David Clausi and Dr. Andrea Scott. She is a member of the Remote Sensing Group, where her research investigates multimodal data fusion and multi-task learning of sea ice parameters, specifically incorporating visible and infrared data.

  • Fernando J. Pena Cantu

    Fernando J. Pena Cantu

    Hi! My name is Fernando J. Pena Cantu and I am a MASc student with the VIP Lab’s Remote Sensing Group. My current research focuses on investigating the relationship between textural features and the incidence angle in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for sea ice classification. This topic has important implications for understanding the effects…

  • Neil Brubacher

    Neil Brubacher

    Neil is pursuing a MASc degree within the VIP Lab’s Remote Sensing group, continuing his Systems Design Engineering journey after having earned a BASc in SYDE in 2021. His research investigates deep learning methods for automating the interpretation of satellite and aerial imagery towards operational applications such as community sea ice safety and marine mammal…

  • Xinwei Chen

    Xinwei Chen

    I am a Postdoc in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working on computer vision, machine learning, ocean observation and remote sensing projects.