University of Waterloo

Tag: M.A.Sc. Grad Date: 2013

  • Robert Amelard

    Robert Amelard

    My research passions lie broadly in the realm of computer vision with a HCI/human factors twist. I am focusing my PhD thesis work on extracting hemodynamic information from videos. For my Master’s, I designed intuitive image features to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses of melanoma. Apart from medical image processing, I have also dappled…

  • Steven Leigh

    Steven Leigh

    My research involves the automated interpretation of images with specific applications in remote sensing.

  • Jeffrey Glaister

    Jeffrey Glaister

    My research interests are in the fields of pattern recognition and image processing, applied to biomedical imaging. I am interested in developing image processing algorithms to automate the analysis of medical images, such as those captured using MRI, X-ray or other modalities. Other work is in the area of novel video compression algorithms.