University of Waterloo

Category: M.A.Sc.

  • Pascale Walters

    Pascale Walters

    Pascale was a M.A.Sc. student in the VIP Lab focused on hockey game video homography.

  • Ahmadreza Jeddi

    Ahmadreza Jeddi

    I am doing an M.Sc. in Computer Science, under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Wong and Prof. Mohammad Javad Shafiee. My research interests include machine learning, AI, computer vision, adversarial robustness, and semantic segmentation. Prior to joining to VIP lab, I did research on big data representation learning and graph embedding.

  • Marie Hoekstra

    My research interest lies with using RADARSAT-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery to automate the classification of ice-water on large northern lakes.

  • Vignesh Sankar

    My research interests involve projector compensation for unconvential projection surface.

  • Devinder Kumar

    Devinder Kumar

    I develop computer vision tools to analyze Image data. This includes object identification/classification, motion tracking and mobile robot vision.

  • Steffen Lindner

    Steffen Lindner

    Steffen currently works in high-tech start-up environments and is a founder at Aeryon labs. His experience in developing work flows and methodologies, as well as his attention to detail have been instrumental in helping start-ups build solid foundations.

  • Bing Yue

    Bing Yue

    My research interests include remote sensed digital image processing, target detection, SAR polarimetry, interferometry, and pattern recognition.

  • Shannon Puddister

    Shannon Puddister

    My research interests lie in image processing for medical applications. I am particularly interested in efforts to develop visual prosthetics.

  • Renyan (Ryan) Ge

    Renyan (Ryan) Ge

    My research interests are in the design of machine vision algorithms to support real-time processing of defect analysis in plasma display panels (PDPs).

  • Simon Booth