Robert Amelard
My research passions lie broadly in the realm of computer vision with a HCI/human factors twist. I am focusing my PhD thesis work on extracting hemodynamic information from videos. For my Master’s, I designed intuitive image features to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses of melanoma. Apart from medical image processing, I have also dappled…
Robert Amelard
My research passions lie broadly in the realm of computer vision with a HCI/human factors twist. I am focusing my PhD thesis work on extracting hemodynamic information from videos. For my Master’s, I designed intuitive image features to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses of melanoma. Apart from medical image processing, I have also dappled…
Christian Scharfenberger
My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on saliency computation, camera calibration and stereo vision. I am particularly interested in practical applications of computer vision and image processing methods to problems in robotics and driver assistance systems.
Coded Hemodynamic Imaging
Coded Hemodynamic Imaging (CHI), is a process where an innovative, highly-compact pulsed lighting and detection apparatus captures light fluctuations over time and space on various parts of the body simultaneously using spatiotemporal-coded pulse sequences. These spatiotemporal light fluctuation measurements are then relayed to a digital signal processing unit from which blood-flow patterns can be computed.…
David Clausi
My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on the automated interpretation of SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and biomedical imagery. I am an active interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researcher, publishing refereed journal and conference papers in the diverse fields of remote sensing, computer vision, algorithm design,…