University of Waterloo

Category: Computer Vision

  • Devinder Kumar

    Devinder Kumar

    I develop computer vision tools to analyze Image data. This includes object identification/classification, motion tracking and mobile robot vision.

  • Shannon Puddister

    Shannon Puddister

    My research interests lie in image processing for medical applications. I am particularly interested in efforts to develop visual prosthetics.

  • Renyan (Ryan) Ge

    Renyan (Ryan) Ge

    My research interests are in the design of machine vision algorithms to support real-time processing of defect analysis in plasma display panels (PDPs).

  • Rishi Jobanputra

    Rishi Jobanputra


  • Kurtis McBride

    Kurtis McBride

    During his MASc, he conducted research in the VIP lab building algorithms to interpret the movement of vehicles through a traffic intersection in a digital video.

  • Natalie El-Nabbout

  • Wen Zhang

    Wen Zhang

    My research interests include computer vision, 3D input devices, motion capture, and computer graphics for stereoscopic applications.

  • Neil Cavan

    Neil Cavan

    My research interests include robotics and computer vision, specifically 3D reconstruction of unknown scenes and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for robotic vehicles.

  • Abhishek Kumar

    Abhishek Kumar

    My research interests are in the field of pattern recognition, robotics, and computer vision. My interests particularly revolves around practical applications like surveillance and object tracking.

  • Shiva Zaboli

    Shiva Zaboli

    My research interests mainly lie in the areas of image processing and computer vision including steganography, digital image watermarking and medical image processing using statistical and digital signal processing methods. My current research focuses on investigation of hypoxia induced changes in the attenuation coefficient of the human cornea using ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography images.