Audrey Chung
My research interests include image processing and computer vision, with specific emphasis on biomedical imaging. My current research primarily focuses on computer-aided prostate cancer detection and grading via multi-parametric MRI. Other projects include lung nodule segmentation, video photoplethysmography, and illumination-robust feature detection.
Ian Kennedy
I am a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Professor Paul Fieguth. My research is on graph mapping and similarity.
M. Javad Shafiee
My research interests include Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Biomedical Image Processing while my main focus is on Graphical Models specially Conditional Random Fields and Markov Random Fields
Elnaz Barshan
My research interests lie in the area of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Cognitive Science. I am especially interested in developing new Machine Learning algorithms for analyzing structures in massive data sources as well as learning predictive models based on those structures. Besides this, I am researching about the functionality of human visual system and…
Keyvan Kasiri
My research interests mainly lie in the fields of image processing and computer vision and problems related to pattern recognition, machine learning, biomedical signal and image analysis.
Ahmed Gawish
My research areas include image processing (statistical), machine learning, and computer vision. I am working under the supervision of Professor Fieguth.
Linlin Xu
I am a Research Assistant Professor in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working on AI, machine learning, Earth Observation and Environmental Remote Sensing projects.
Devinder Kumar
I develop computer vision tools to analyze Image data. This includes object identification/classification, motion tracking and mobile robot vision.
Shannon Puddister
My research interests lie in image processing for medical applications. I am particularly interested in efforts to develop visual prosthetics.
Renyan (Ryan) Ge
My research interests are in the design of machine vision algorithms to support real-time processing of defect analysis in plasma display panels (PDPs).