Intellijoint and Image Processing
Joe Schipper, CTO, Intellijoint
Efficient Human Pose Estimation – KAPAO
Dr. Will McNally (newly minted PhD!)
Entrepreneurship – Lessons Learned
Dave Caputo, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO Trusscore
Training Pose Models with Few Annotations
Brennan Gebotys
Addressing Non-stationarity in SAR Imagery for Sea Ice Segmentation
Max Manning, MASc candidate
Recognizing Actions by Coarse to Fine to Finer Discriminative Learning
Yaoxin Li, PhD candidate
An Analysis Framework for the Quantization-Aware Design of Efficient, Low-Power Convolutional Neural Networks
Stone Yun
Projector Autocalibration using the Dual Absolute Quadric
Sepehr Ghavam, MASc candidate
Eye for Infrastructure – Automated Road Quality Assessments
David Abou Chacra
Detection & Recognition of Text in the Wild (ATS)
Zobeir Raisi, PhD candidate