University of Waterloo

Category: Ph.D.

  • Amy Tai

    Amy Tai

    Amy Tai is a PhD student in the Vision and Image Processing Lab at the University of Waterloo. She is in the Computer Science program and supervised by Alexander Wong and Lukasz Golab. Her research focuses on the cancer domain with focus on medical imaging and computer vision. Previously, she completed her Master of Applied…

  • Zhibo Wang

    Zhibo is a Ph.D. student in Systems Design Engineering, co-supervised by Prof. David Clausi and Prof. Sirisha Rambhatla. He is a member of the Sports Analytics Research Group, and his research will focus on pose estimation and action recognition for ice-hockey game.

  • Jerrin Bright

    Jerrin Bright

    Jerrin Bright is a doctoral student in Systems Design Engineering. Jerrin’s research focuses on understanding and interacting with the dynamic, 3D world around us, with a particular emphasis on human behavior. By combining computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning, Jerrin is exploring how to capture, perceive, and understand the 4D world from what we…

  • Ken M. Nsiempba

    Ken M. Nsiempba

    Ken is a PhD student, he teaches computers how to interpret ice hockey games events by improving player tracking, action recognition and play detection.

  • Peter Q. Lee

    Peter Q. Lee

    Peter Lee is currently a PhD student (2020 – ) supervised by Prof. Katja Mombaur and Prof. John Zelek. His research interests include optimal control, compliant control with force feedback, and visual servoing. He is currently working to automate the nasopharyngeal swab test using the collaborative Franka Emika 1 research arm.

  • Kanav Vats

    Kanav Vats

    Kanav was a PhD Candidate at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. David Clausi and Prof. John Zelek. He worked on computer vision-based sports analytics, with a focus on problems such as player tracking, player identification, event detection, and pose estimation.

  • Mingzhe (Major) Jiang

    Mingzhe Jiang (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) received a B.Eng. degree in electronic information engineering and an M.Eng. degree in signal and information processing from the Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China, in 2013 and 2016, respectively. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in systems design engineering at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada.…

  • Amir Nazemi

    The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real. Lucian Freud Amir has years of experience in machine learning, computer vision and has been a part of multiple interdisciplinary teams, including a research lab in Korea, a joint research project with Microsoft, and a collaboration with the…

  • Kevin Zhu

    Kevin Zhu

    PhD student at the VIP lab.

  • Yuan Fang

    Yuan Fang received her Ph.D. degree from the VIP lab of the Department of systems design engineering, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada in 2022. Her research interests include remote sensing image processing, hyperspectral imaging, machine learning, and environmental monitoring. She received her B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in geomatics engineering from China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, in 2016…