Robert Amelard
My research passions lie broadly in the realm of computer vision with a HCI/human factors twist. I am focusing my PhD thesis work on extracting hemodynamic information from videos. For my Master’s, I designed intuitive image features to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses of melanoma. Apart from medical image processing, I have also dappled…
Robert Amelard
My research passions lie broadly in the realm of computer vision with a HCI/human factors twist. I am focusing my PhD thesis work on extracting hemodynamic information from videos. For my Master’s, I designed intuitive image features to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses of melanoma. Apart from medical image processing, I have also dappled…
Shahid Haider
I am very interested in spectropolarimetric optical imaging techniques and utilizing them for medical purposes. I have extended interests as well in medical image processing and analysis, in particular with prostate MRI.
Andre Carrington
My research applies computers to analysis and optimization problems in healthcare, with a focus on cancer. This involves pattern recognition, statistical machine learning, health informatics, signal & image processing and other disciplines.
Elnaz Barshan
My research interests lie in the area of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Cognitive Science. I am especially interested in developing new Machine Learning algorithms for analyzing structures in massive data sources as well as learning predictive models based on those structures. Besides this, I am researching about the functionality of human visual system and…
Edward Li
My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on sparse reconstruction, conditional random fields, Hyperspectral imaging, MRI, OCT and other medical imaging techniques and applications.
Farnoud Kazemzadeh
Design, build, and application of scientific multispectroscopic, hyperspectroscopic, and interferometric imaging systems for various sensing applications: up-looking (astronomy) and down-looking (space instrumentation, Earth sciences, biomedicine, security, military).