Fernando J. Pena Cantu
Hi! My name is Fernando J. Pena Cantu and I am a MASc student with the VIP Lab’s Remote Sensing Group. My current research focuses on investigating the relationship between textural features and the incidence angle in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for sea ice classification. This topic has important implications for understanding the effects…
Linlin Xu
I am a post-doc in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working with professors David Clausi, Alexander Wong on machine learning, intelligent remote sensing analytics and environmental monitoring.
Linlin Xu
I am a Research Assistant Professor in Vision and Image Processing Lab, working on AI, machine learning, Earth Observation and Environmental Remote Sensing projects.
Rishi Jobanputra
Email: rjobanpu@yahoo.com
Li Liu
Her current research interests include computer vision, texture analysis, pattern recognition and image processing.
Texture Classification
Texture Classification is the problem of distringuishing between textures, a classic problem in pattern recognition. Since many very sophisticated classifiers exist, the key challenge here is the development of effective features to extract from a given textured image.
Paul Fieguth
My research interests are in the area of accelerated computational methods applied to large statistical problems in image processing, computer vision, and remote sensing.
David Clausi
My research interests are in the fields of computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition with an emphasis on the automated interpretation of SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and biomedical imagery. I am an active interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary researcher, publishing refereed journal and conference papers in the diverse fields of remote sensing, computer vision, algorithm design,…